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Request a Program Infosheet

Submit the form below and receive a sample itinerary for any Global Leadership Adventures program!

GLA program infosheets are sample itineraries that you can view, download or print for easy reference.

Each infosheet contains a sample schedule of what your program of interest looks like from arrival to departure. Checking out the sample itinerary is a great way to get a sense of what your experience will be like in your host destination, including key activities, adventure excursions, service projects, and more!

You can request just one infosheet for your favorite program, or take a look at as many sample itineraries as you’d like.

Many families tell us the sample itinerary was the most helpful resource they received in figuring out which program was the perfect fit for them or the teen in their family, so take a second to fill out the form below and receive your copy.



Be sure to save your spot on your favorite program early before waitlists begin to form!