Your Leadership Style is Unique to You

At GLA, we believe leaders can be introverted or extroverted, and we guide you and encourage you to discover your own unique leadership style.

Have you ever wondered what kind of person makes a true leader, especially in your teenage years?

It’s easy to fall into the trap of stereotyping extroverts as the natural leaders, always ready to take center stage and lead the charge.

On the flip side, introverts are often seen as the quiet followers, content to stay in the background. But these stereotypes are far from the truth and certainly not the whole picture of what leadership really is.

At Global Leadership Adventures, we’ve witnessed firsthand that leadership comes in many shapes, sizes, and styles.

Our experience has shown us that leadership isn’t limited to a specific personality type. Instead, it’s about finding one’s own passions and strengths and using them to inspire and impact others.

We take pride in creating an environment where each teen on our leadership travel programs can explore and discover their leadership potential, irrespective of whether they are introverted or extroverted.

When it comes to leadership, being the loudest in the room isn’t a prerequisite.

Introverts, with their ability to listen and empathize, excel in leadership roles. They’re often the ones most equipped to provide deeper insight to the situation and people around them, and approach solutions after taking the time to hear other’s perspectives.

They demonstrate that effective leadership is not about a one-size-fits-all approach but about harnessing one’s unique abilities, be they more reflective or more outspoken.

The story of Ruthie Rogers, a former student who participated in a GLA program in Peru’s Sacred Valley, beautifully illustrates this point.

Ruthie, an introvert by nature, initially doubted her leadership abilities, influenced by common stereotypes about introverts. But once she stepped out of her comfort zone, and her home country, she started to recognize the special strengths introverts possess that not only enhance their leadership abilities, but define them entirely.

“Being an introvert simply means that I am self-sufficient and like to deal with my own problems. It does not mean I cannot be a leader,” she reflected.

Her journey in Peru was a transformative one, challenging her preconceptions and showcasing her innate leadership qualities. From leading by example through hard work on community projects to inspiring her peers with optimism and positivity, Ruthie’s experience in Peru is proof to the fact that introverts can, indeed, be impactful leaders.

“John Quincy Adams put it well when he said, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” This quote is one I try to live by each day,” Ruthie said. “Ever since my Peru trip, I have realized that, introverted or not, I can be the leader Adams described above. I can be someone who motivates others to leave the world a little better than how they found it.”

Extroverts, often seen as the ‘people persons’, bring a different but equally valuable energy to leadership. Their natural inclination to engage and energize those around them can be a powerful tool in driving projects and initiatives.

However, their contribution to leadership goes beyond mere social skills. Extroverts also possess the ability to lead with depth, thoughtfulness, and most importantly, a strong sense of community.

At its heart, leadership isn’t about social aptitude, but about taking action and inspiring others to do the same. It’s about setting an example, whether through words, actions, attitude, or creativity, and showing that everyone has the potential to be a leader in their own way.

At Global Leadership Adventures, we challenge our students to step out of their comfort zones and see themselves in a new light.

Our programs are designed to be transformative experiences that encourage students to explore aspects of their personalities they may not have known existed.

Away from their home context, introverts frequently find themselves stepping into more extroverted roles, surprising themselves and others with their newfound confidence. On the other hand, extroverts often discover a newfound appreciation for introspection and reflection, particularly amid new and challenging experiences.

Our comprehensive leadership curriculum doesn’t teach leadership as a set of rules to lead by. Rather, it uncovers leadership moments in every facet of life. Our programs inspire students to listen and connect with others, take action, grow as individuals, and inspire others to live their values.

Through hands-on experiences and real-world challenges, we encourage our students to look at leadership as a series of opportunities, not just to step into a role that benefits them, but to act with purpose, inspire others by example and effect change.

Are you ready to discover your leadership potential? Global Leadership Adventures offers you the opportunity to take on an unforgettable journey of self-discovery and leadership growth. Join us and unlock your leadership potential, no matter your personality type.

Sign up for a GLA leadership travel program today and start your journey towards becoming the leader you are meant to be.

James Townsend
Global Leadership Adventures


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